Résolu Boot red light, clear cmos and now cpu red light.


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Hi after a bad really bad storm, a thunder had hit the power pylon near my house and everything shut down. Electician have repeared the pylon that had been hit, so I decide to open my computer. At first my pc start normally but after 5 secondes the boot was freeze with a red light so I tought well my ssd is dead. But I clear the cmos in case to be sure but now it's a cpu red light.

GPU : Gtx 970
CPU : AMD FX-8350
Mother board : Sabertooth 990FX R2.0
Dram: 4x4 4GB of corsair vengence 1866MHz
SSD : 840 Evo 120GB
HDD : 1 TB blue WD + 4TB baracuda seagate.
PSU : 750 Watt gold certified corsair
chasis : Antec
Cooling : 3x120mm fans with a air cooler on the cpu


Modérateur configopathe
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je cherche à comprendre pourquoi tu parles en anglais sur un forum francophone alors que clairement tu es français. Le petit "reapered" et le pseudo t'ont un peu trahi j'avoue.
Merci d'éditer ton message en français ou alors de te tourner vers le site anglais (http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/) si tu veux vraiment t’entraîner en anglais.

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