KCleaner : nettoyage auto du système

  • Auteur de la discussion Kyle_Katarn
  • Date de début


Grand Maître
KCleaner - 3.6.5 (Released 2019-11-10)

0005452: [Bug] Edge Cookies not cleaned under Win10 (Kyle_Katarn)
0005720: [Refactoring] Ctrl+B as shortcut for about menu (see other KC Softwares products) (Kyle_Katarn)
0005733: [Refactoring] Updated German translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0005708: [Refactoring] Updated Japanese translation (Kyle_Katarn)


Grand Maître
KCleaner - 3.6.6 (Released 2020-03-20)

0005791: [Refactoring] Automatic Update dialog close (+ latest SUMo improvements) (Kyle_Katarn)


Grand Maître
KCleaner - 3.7 ( Released 2020-06-01)

0006047: [Refactoring] Update ICS library to 8.64 and OpenSSL to 1.1.1g (Kyle_Katarn)
0004434: [Refactoring] Improved Google Chrome support (Kyle_Katarn)
0006045: [New Feature] Brave Browser Support (Kyle_Katarn)
0006044: [New Feature] Edge Chromium support (Kyle_Katarn)
0005940: [Refactoring] Updated Italian translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0005921: [Refactoring] Updated German translation (Kyle_Katarn)


Grand Maître
KCleaner - 3.7.1 ( Released 2020-12-23 )

0006277: [Refactoring] Update ICS library to 8.65 and OpenSSL to 1.1.1i (Kyle_Katarn)
0006271: [New Feature] Link to ChangeLog from Auto-Update Dialog (Kyle_Katarn)
0006225: [Refactoring] Updated Spanish translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006142: [Refactoring] Updated Chinese translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006078: [Refactoring] Updated Japanese translation (Kyle_Katarn)


Grand Maître
KCleaner - 3.8 Released (2021-02-21)

0006378: [New Feature] Capacity to remove licence (Kyle_Katarn)
0004732: [Bug] Does not clean browser caches (Kyle_Katarn)
0006348: [Refactoring] Updated Chinese translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006335: [Refactoring] Updated Dutch translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006382: [Refactoring] Updated French translation (Kyle_Katarn)


Grand Maître
KCleaner - 3.8.1 ( Released 2021-04-15 )

0006481: [Refactoring] Update ICS library to 8.66 and OpenSSL to 1.1.1k (Kyle_Katarn)
0006456: [Refactoring] Code signing certificate renewal (Kyle_Katarn)
0006386: [Refactoring] Updated Japanese translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006384: [Refactoring] Updated German translation (Kyle_Katarn)


Grand Maître
KCleaner - 3.8.3 ( Released 2021-12-23 )

0005930: [Refactoring] Settings user interface improvements (Kyle_Katarn)
0006739: [Refactoring] Updated Turkish translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006700: [Refactoring] Updated Slovenian translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006644: [Bug] Windows 11 is identified as a Windows 10 (Kyle_Katarn)


Grand Maître
KCleaner - 3.8.4 ( Released 2022-05-07 )

0006981: [Refactoring] Update ICS library to 8.68 and OpenSSL to 3.0.1 (Kyle_Katarn)
0006933: [Refactoring] Updated Italian translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006925: [Refactoring] Updated Hebrew translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0006876: [Refactoring] Updated German translation (Kyle_Katarn)


Grand Maître
KCleaner - 3.8.5 ( Released 2022-12-04 )

0007112: [Refactoring] Update ICS library to 8.70 and OpenSSL to 3.0.7 (Kyle_Katarn)
0007077: [Refactoring] Updated Hebrew translation (Kyle_Katarn)


Grand Maître
KCleaner - 3.8.6 ( Released 2023-04-01 )

0007226: [Refactoring] Update OpenSSL to 3.1.0 (Kyle_Katarn)
0007186: [New Feature] ReactOS detection in logs (including build number and fallback for custom builds) (Kyle_Katarn)
0007157: [Refactoring] Windows 2003 is not detected correctly (5.2) (Kyle_Katarn)
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