SUMo : restez à jour !


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.3.8

- 0000871: [Refactoring] Songbird multiple detection
- 0000877: [Bug] Various software misdetections
- 0000874: [Bug] Tibia Player version number is not properly showed.
- 0000872: [Bug] Songbird is misdetected
- 0000873: [Refactoring] Regression : Nirsoft detection


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.3.9

- 0000882: [Refactoring] Shockwave Flash for IE improvement (multiple detection)
- 0000854: [Refactoring] ACDSee 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 : multiple products detection
- 0000886: [Bug] Winzip multiple detection
- 0000901: [Bug] Nestopia not correctly detected


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.4

- 0000926: [Refactoring] / Mozilla Corporation / Mozilla Foundation rationalization
- 0000925: [Bug] Firefox crash reported identified as "Firefox"
- 0000911: [Bug] After a scan if the "list of not loaded products" is closed using the X, all software are discarded.
- 0000924: [Bug] Winzip additional exe files mis-detected (1.x instead of 12.y)
- 0000910: [Bug] Uninstall Icon incorrect
- 0000822: [Refactoring] When no Company info is found, use "Copyright" data instead
- 0000862: [Refactoring] Improve FFDShow Detection
- 0000779: [Bug] 2.3.2 unable to load Revo Uninstaller
- 0000880: [New Feature] Launchy support (based on registry)
- 0000908: [Bug] No exe files should be reported as "Shockwave Flash..."


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.4.1

- 0000931: [Bug] "Winzip QuickPick" detected as "Winzip" due to post processing
- 0000927: [Refactoring] Extract from copyright incorrect for VirtualDub
- 0000933: [Refactoring] Extract from copyright incorrect for Miranda IM


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.4.2

- 0000966: [Bug] Flags/Text not aligned in Settings Window
- 0000957: [Bug] "Loading..." message in status bar not updated at end of scan
- 0000960: [New Feature] "Delete" terminology is confusing and scary
- 0000962: [Refactoring] Improved Product Name detection routine (ScummVM issue)
- 0000961: [Bug] ACDSee Pro unduly reported as ACDSee
- 0000959: [New Feature] Request for Select All feature


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.4.3

- 0000946: [Refactoring] BSPlayer multiple detection
- 0000941: [New Feature] Xvid Detection
- 0000973: [Bug] Bug in "ExtractCompanyFromCopyright" if ends by "All Rights Reserved" without dot or coma
- 0000972: [Bug] Bug in "ExtractCompanyFromCopyright" if ends by "2006 - 2007"


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.4.4

- 0000979: [Bug] ACDSee ShowRoom unduly detected as ACDSee (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0000938: [Refactoring] Zone Alarm Client multiple detection (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0000978: [Refactoring] XVid version detection to be improved (to many database glitches) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0000977: [Bug] Error message at each load, scan if XVid or FFDShow are found without associated reg. entry (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.5

- 0000997: [Refactoring] ExtractFromCopyright not working properly on "Apple Inc. (C) 2006-07"
- 0000987: [Refactoring] AdAware multiple detection
- 0000697: [Bug] MP3DirectCut unduly reported as "No Information Available"
- 0000981: [Refactoring] ExtractFromCopyright to be improved


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.6.1

- 0001044: [Refactoring] Timestamped log file entries
- 0001030: [Bug] System tray icon appears during loading, even if setting unchecked
- 0001020: [Bug] Wrong computation of server load
- 0001021: [Bug] "Update server load" menu item not translated
- 0001038: [Bug] "Licensed under the GNU GPL License." shall not be detected as a valid company name
- 0001043: [Bug] ExtractCompanyFromCopyright : Memory exception


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.6.2

- 0001067: [Refactoring] SUMo shall use file title when no product name is available (but Company Name is set)
- 0001068: [Bug] ExtractCompanyFromCopyright : Not fully accurate
- 0001024: [Refactoring] "Update Server Status" optimization


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.7.3

- 0001166: [Refactoring] SUMo shall log min/avg/max response time after each check operation
- 0001169: [Bug] MPC-HC multiple identification
- 0001165: [Bug] "Stop" checking infinitely loops (even after window is closed !)
- 0001168: [Refactoring] CTRL+A shall be the shortcut for "Select All"


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.9.1

- 0001241: [Bug] Alternate server used even if master server works
- 0001240: [Bug] Endless "Server Error. Please retry later"
- 0001244: [Refactoring] "HTTP Error : 3" to be replaced by "Server Timeout" in log file
- 0001237: [Bug] Typo in French translation
- 0001239: [Bug] "Incorrect data type for ‘DisplayName’" during scan/check


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.9.2

- 0001248: [Refactoring] Multiple Quicktime Player detection
- 0001240: [Bug] Endless "Server Error. Please retry later"
- 0001249: [Bug] "Stop" while checking shall send an immediate "abort" command
- 0001253: [Bug] "Check" popup menu item state not consistent with button
- 0001250: [Bug] SUMo crash while checking for server if not connected to the Internet
- 0001252: [Bug] Server not declared offline (no indicated status) when Server check fails due to error


Grand Maître
Sumo "Lite" est effectivement un produit aussi intéressant que nécessaire !

Favoriser Sumo Lite au lieu de Sumo qui contient l'adware Relevant Knowledge.

Sumo Lite est disponible sur la page de téléchargement du site, à ;
Alternative FTP
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Ou sur des sites de téléchargement tiers, tel que >> <<

À l'installation de Sumo Lite.
Aucune info envoyée !

À l'installation de SUMO
Même après avoir Décocher l'Optional Sponsors; AutoCompete Pro(PredictAd) de RevelantKnowledge. Et avoir décommandé "à la fenêtre suivante" .....le Short Survey.

L'installation (rkinstall.exe) a quand même listée l'ensemble des items contenu, autant sur le Bureau que dans le Menu Démarrer................Pour essayer de les envoyer sur Internet à ; (

Vous devez être connecté pour voir les images.


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.10 (Released 2010-09-03)

- 0001254: [Bug] ACDSee PhotoEditor unduly detected as PhotoManager
- 0001266: [Refactoring] Major refactoring of the product name selection routine
- 0001265: [Bug] Directory Opus incorrectly detected
- 0001264: [Bug] Product version data not correctly read if coma used instead of dots
- 0001259: [Bug] "Too many errors" logged as "info" instead of "error"
- 0001256: [Bug] Connection loss while checking leads to multiple "server error" popups
- 0001258: [Bug] After "Too many errors" message, unable to close check dialog
- 0001246: [Bug] Multiple detection for FirebirdSQL


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.11 (Released 2011-01-16)

Web :

- 0000856: [New Feature] More information on: "Unable to load the following files:" list
- 0001322: [New Feature] Add HTTP/1.1 support
- 0001321: [Bug] User Agent not working with squid proxy persistent connections
- 0001320: [New Feature] ignoring list has no confirmation for deleting or setting back the list / there is also not auto backup
- 0001319: [Refactoring] Report error always use "Spybot Search & Destroy" as Product Name


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.14

- 0001384: [Refactoring] TuneUp Software multiple identification
- 0001366: [Bug] Freemake Video Converter incorrectly detected
- 0001334: [Bug] VirtualClone Drive is not correctly detected


Grand Maître
SUMo - 2.17 (Released 2012-01-20)

- 0001455: [Bug] Updater and Installer/Uninstaller
- 0001427: [New Feature] SUMo should detect need of rescan by analysing "uninstall" reg list
- 0001454: [New Feature] Reistry Uninstall List monitoring and logging
- 0001452: [Bug] XVid incorrectly detected (1.0 instead of 1.3.2)
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